Application of the 13 Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Skills


The link of “13 Hot Skills of higher order thinking diagram” is shown below. Please refer to the appendix 1.

Appendix 1 - 13 Hot Skills of higher order thinking diagram

Reference (Chinese version only):

1. 「活用高層次思維十三式—在小學實踐高層次思維教學之點、線、面」(教育局資優教育組 2014)
2. 「再探高層次思維教學」(教育局資優教育組 2017)

  • During General Studies lesson, students analysed problems in two aspects to discuss everyday life in Tung Chung Forum.
  • During Mathematics lesson, students were playing “Multiplication Talent Game” to practice their problem-solving abilities and collaborative abilities.
  • During the General Studies lesson, students was doing exploratory activities to practice their problem-solving abilities and collaborative abilities.